Give your dog the very best
Mamut Dog Nutrition System are high quality nutrition supplements specially developed for racing and working dogs. MAMUT Dog Nutrition System products are made in European Union with human grade ingredients.
All ingredients are WADA approved.
MAMUT Recovery Drink
MAMUT Recovery Drink is a unique formula which has been designed specifically to help your dog recover faster from exercise, allowing you to train him at maximum intensity more often – resulting in improved performance of your dog.
MAMUT Recovery Drink is ideal post-workout drink for all dogs participating in intense training program that requires fast recovery between training sessions or competitions.
Why is MAMUT Recovery Drink the best for your dog?
- Recovery of the muscles
- Contributes to normal function of the immune system
- Protection of cells from oxidative stress
- Reduction of tiredness and fatigue
- Contributes to normal red blood cell formation
- Unique formula with research proven ingredients
Every of our product has its own strenghts and weaknesses. A full circle means it excels in this category, a empty circle means it’s not so good in this category.
Before activity
After activity
MAMUT Pre-Run Drink
MAMUT Pre-Run Drink with carefully chosen ingredients is intended to provide extra energy and oxygen to the muscles to delay fatigue, prevent from muscle breakdown and dehydration during high intensive workout.
Why is MAMUT Pre-Run Drink important for dogs?
- Extra energy
- Optimizes delivery of the oxygen to the muscle
- Delays fatigue
- Prevents muscle breakdown
- Contributes to red blood cell formation
- Helps with hydration
- Unique formula with research proven ingredients
Every of our product has its own strenghts and weaknesses. A full circle means it excels in this category, a empty circle means it’s not so good in this category.
Before activity
After activity
MAMUT Joint Mobility Powder
MAMUT Joint Mobility Powder is an unique formula which has been designed to protect your dog’s sceletal system, joints and connective tissues specially. Perfect for growing dogs from 4 months till 2 years old and dogs with mobility problems.
Advantages of MAMUT Joint Mobility Powder?
- Protects joints
- For dogs of all ages
- High quality Regenasure™ glucosamine
- Human grade ingredients
- Research proven formula
Every of our product has its own strenghts and weaknesses. A full circle means it excels in this category, a empty circle means it’s not so good in this category.
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After activity
MAMUT Salmon Oil
MAMUT Salmon Oil is a crude oil seperated from fresh salmon raw materials. The raw materials in MAMUT Salmon Oil are food grade certified offcuts carefully selected and processed fresh from Norwegian salmon. It contains moderate levels of EPA/DHA/DPA and a natural content of the red colour agent and antioxidant astaxanthin and is a perfect source of extra energy.
Advantages of MAMUT Salmon Oil?
- Fresh raw materials only
- High levels of natural antioxidants and astaxanthin
- Neutral taste and smell
- Sustainable sourcing: offcuts from Norwegian salmon
- Long shelf life due to high purity and gentle processing
Every of our product has its own strenghts and weaknesses. A full circle means it excels in this category, a empty circle means it’s not so good in this category.
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After activity

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